Worksheet of Subject Verb Agreement Class 8

b) A singular subject is sometimes wrongly used as a plural, e.B. when it begins with (one of, one or the other, none, etc.). Remember that these should be considered singular. One of you is wrong. Neither works here. One of the teachers teaches English. Insert is “or are” in the following sentences: 1. There are ……. two boys standing there.

2. There is …….. many students at school. 3. Today there is …….. Many boys are absent from the class. 4. If you need money, there is …….. some in my coat pocket. 5. There is ……..

sixteen players have been selected to travel to Australia. 6. There is …….. a good balance of emotions and intelligence in him. 7. There is ….. nothing to be so happy. 8.

…….. is there anyone? 9. There is …….. No light here. 10. There is ……. complete darkness inside. Answers: 1.

are 2. are 3. are 4. is 5. are 6. is 7. is 8. is 9. is 10. is Insert the correct form of the present tense in the spaces.

Verbs are in parentheses. 1. A new home ….. A lot of money. (Costs) 2. The new car ….. like clappers. (run) 3. Most things……..

more than before. (Costs) 4. This aircraft ……. Faster than sound. (Fly) 5. The lawn ……. Nice in summer. (Show) 6. These children ……. very healthy.

(Show) 7. One of the players……. of my village. (Come) 8. These people ….. to us in their own cars. (Come) Answers: 1. Costs 2. operation 3. Costs 4.

Vol 5. Looks 6. See 7. comes 8. comes 6. Each hand has five fingers. (Use a singular verb after each of them.) Question 2. Indicate whether the underlined verbs in the following sentences were used in their transitive or intransitive form. (i) The ants fought the wasps. (ii) Some ants fight fiercely. (iii) Ring the bell, Rama. (iv) The vessel was dispatched promptly.

(v) This horse never kicks. Answer: (i) Transitive (ii) Intransitive (iii) Transitive (iv) Intransitive (v) Intransitive Some nouns that are plural in form but singular in meaning take on a singular verb. Example: Mom, can I enter the park? I jumped over the puddle. You swam fast in the race. What do capitalized words have in common? These are verbs! A verb is an important part of language that is often used to describe or indicate an action. Sentences are not complete without a verb. Examples include jogging, stopping, listening, calling, exploring, and believing. 11.

It takes a lot of patience to be a good teacher. (If the noun/pronoun that follows much of/much is singular, use a singular verb.) Words that are related to a singular subject by with, with, in addition or as well are placed in parentheses and therefore have no influence on the number of verbs. Example: The title of a book, play, story, musical composition, and the name of a country, although the plural in the form contains a singular verb. Example: If a plural noun is between a singular subject and its verb, the verb used is singular in the form. Example: Question: What is a verb? Answer: A verb is an action performed in the subject or state of being in the sentence. The verb is one of the most important parts of a sentence. Example: (To recognize the subject, ask here who acts? and know the verb of what the subject is doing?) If two singular nouns refer to the same person or thing, the verb must be singular. For example, a collective noun assumes a singular verb when the collection is considered as a whole. Example: 1. Someone left the door open. (Use a singular verb after someone and someone.) (c) When a sentence begins with “there”, the verb corresponds to the actual subject that comes after the verb.

This is John. There are fifty students in my class. If the subject of the verb is a relative pronoun, care must be taken to ensure that the verb corresponds to the parent`s predecessor in number and person. Example: Here we have 15 best examples of subject-verb matching examples for class 8, I hope we will help you understand the concept behind the subject-verb agreement. If the subjects related by “or”, “Nor” have different numbers, the verb must be plural and the subject plural must be placed next to the verb. Example: However, it should be noted that when one thinks of the individuals who make up the collective noun, it can take a plural verb. For example, fill in gaps with appropriate verbal forms. Select the answers from the options in parentheses. Insert the correct form of verbs in spaces in the following sentences: 1.

A good dictionary……. A lot. (Costs) 2. These five chairs …….. One thousand rupees. (Costs) 3. Ten kilometers ……. a long distance on foot. (be) 4. Sita …….

next to my house. (live) 5. Bread and butter ….. A healthy meal. (be) 6. One of these three boys…….. each year the first in his class. (Kiosk) 7.

My dragon …….. very high in the sky. (Fly) 8. You ……. dark. (lok) 9. All students of this school …….. English. (learn) 10. My lawn ……. very nice in spring.

(Show) Answers: 1. Costs 2. Costs 3. is 4. lives 5. is 6. Statement 7. flies 8. see 9. Learning When singular subjects have “everyone” or “all” in front of them, the verb is usually singular. Example: Tags: Object Verb Agreement Exercisesin Subject Verb Chord Worksheet Two or more singular topics related by `or`, `nor`, `either`, `either`, `either`, or `nor` take a verb in the singular. For example, the subject of the sentence corresponds to the verb.

You have to accept in two ways: Example: He is a good boy. (singular subject, singular verb) They are good players (plural subject, plural verb) 3. Neither he nor she are able to do that. (When we associate two singular subjects without either of them, we use a verb that corresponds to the latter subject in number and person.) It should be noted that the item is only used once if both names refer to the same person. If reference were made to different people, the article would be used before each noun and the verb would be plural. Example: (d) If the subject is plural but represents a single number or set, it assumes a singular verb. One hundred kilometers is a long distance. A thousand rupees is not a lot these days. Dal and Roti is a common food of northern India. A Thousand Miles Under the Sea is a famous novel.

A verb must correspond to its subject in number and person. (a) If the subject in the third person is singular, most English verbs end in -s or -es, but there is no -s or -es in the third person plural. He goes to school. They go to school. Sita goes to school. Sita and Rama go to school. You eat a mango. Ram eats a mango. Exceptions (i) The verb “to be” and its forms are an exception to this rule: He is a friend. I am your friend.

They are friends. Question 3. Underline the verbs in the sentences below and indicate whether they are in the active or passive voice. (i) Sita loves Savitri. (ii) The wall is built by the mason. (iii) Some boys helped the injured man. (iv) The man killed the snake. (v) The food prepared by Asha was eaten by Ram. Answer: (i) Sita loves Savitri.. .